Meet other parents

You have kids? Great! This is the perfect opportunity to start a conversation with an Austrian. Simply try out the following options:

  • Take your children to the next playground, sit down at one of the benches and start a conversation with the other parents. The best icebreaker is to start by talking about your kids. For example:
    • Which child is yours? What is his/her name? How old is your child?
    • Which kindergarten does your child attend? Would you recommend this kindergarten?
    • Which paediatrician do you go to? Are you happy with him/her?
    • Do you have other children?
    • My child is very active – do you know of activities or classes for active kids in Austra or in Vienna?
  • Talk to other parents when picking up your child from kindergarten or school. Simply ask some questions about child raising in Austria or how they spend their time with their kids?!
  • Go to the parents evening and talk to the teachers and the other parents. This is where you learn the news and activities that will happen over the course of the school year. It is very good for mothers and fathers to go to the parents evening together or to alternate.

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